Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_IOT_32

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi pico controller
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. Flood Warning and Monitoring System (FWMS) using GSM Technology

Iot Flood Monitoring And Alerting With Gsm



Design and development of IOT flood monitoring and alerting with GSM.


Flood is one of the worst natural disasters happen in every year in several places in India. It starts from one place and within days it spreads to other down side places and brings lot of losses. Also local rivers, ponds and water reservoirs raised levels than desired. Intimation before is prevent some amount of loss from it. But there is no such technology used now. Here we proposed IOT based flood monitoring and alerting with GSM.


This project includes water sensors in different levels. We can install these level sensors in ponds or water reservoirs. Level sensors are magnetic type sensors and interfaced with Arduino through digital I/O. On other hand WIFI (Esp8266/IOT module) module connected to Arduino through UART port. Also GSM module connected to Arduino to intimate flood warning in SMS.  Siren also connected to Arduino digital I/O and will ON when level cross desired level.


Here we use three water level sensors to intimate low flood, medium flood and high flood respectively. Whenever level changes from one level to another level Arduino will detect and send SMS to phone numbers. As well WIFI (Esp8266/IOT module) sends same data to IOT server. Precautionary actions will take immediately by seeing data. IOT information can be access from anywhere.


Microcontroller          :         Arduino Uno

Crystal                          :         16 MHz

LCD                               :         16X2 LCD

WIFI                              :         Esp8266 (IOT module)

GSM                               :         SIM800C

Level Sensor                 :         Magnetic Type

Siren                               :         DC 5V

Power Source                :         12v 2 amp Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Flood Management
  • Water Management
  • Water reservoir Monitoring
  • In this project we have covered WIFI (ESP8266/IOT) and GSM (Sim800C) module interfacings. Water level sensors and siren to digital IO.


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