Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_ESP32CAM_15

1.This project we have done on ESP32 cam and Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi controller
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. Two arm gesture recognition bomb disposal surveillance robot
b. Design and implementation of a mobile robot used in bomb research and setup disposal

Bomb Disposal Robot With Email Alert And Live Video Streaming



Design and Development of Bomb Disposal Robot with Email Alert and Live Video Streaming.


Robotics plays major role in modern times. Especially for security applications, robots can do any kind of task. Bomb disposal is critical task through human and sometimes it risks human life. But, robot is a machine and we can send another robot, if existed robot damages while disposal bomb. Here robot controlled by android application from smart mobile. It has video surveillance camera and metal sensor to detect bombs. Proposed project title is bomb disposal robot with email alert and live video streaming using Arduino and ESP32 camera.


Bluetooth (Hc-05) interfaced with Arduino through UART port. DC gear motors interfaced with Arduino through l293d. ESP32 camera interfaced with Arduino UART port. Metal sensor interfaced with Arduino digital pin.


Bluetooth module communicates with android application. Based on user commands from application robot will move in various directions like front, back, left and right. Robot has pick and place robotic hand. Using this hand, we can pick and place any objects like metals and bombs. Metal sensor  detects metals and bombs and send information to Bluetooth application. When metal sensor gets activated then ESP32 cam capture image and send to email.



Microcontrollers        :           Arduino Uno

Crystal                        :           16 MHz

LCD                            :           16X2 LCD

Motors                        :           12VDC Gear Motors

ARM                           :           Pick and place robotic hand

H-Bridge                     :           L293D

Metal Sensor              :           Inductive type

Camera                       :           ESP32 cam

Bluetooth                    :           HC-05

Power Source              :           12VDC Battery


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram


  • Robotic Applications
  • Video Streaming Robot
  • Bomb disposal Robot
  • Advanced Military spying robot
  • Metal detecting robot


  • We have covered Arduino, Bluetooth module and Metal sensor interface
  • ESP32 cam, pick and place interfaces


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