Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_XBEE_9

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi pico controller
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. Fire detection system with indoor localization using ZigBee based wireless sensor network

Zigbee Based Fire And Smoke Detection System



Design and Development of Zigbee based fire and smoke detection system.


So many fire accidents happen around the world every day. There are several reasons behind fire accidents. Depends on operational environment fire accidents will happen. Some electronic fire alarms available in market and those are static. They will not update fire status to remote location. Here we want to design and develop wireless smoke and fire detection system using Arduino.


Arduino connected to Zigbee through UART port. Siren controlled by relay which is connected to Arduino digital pin. Fire and smoke sensors connected to Arduino digital pins.


This project has two sections. One is transmitter and another one is receiver. Transmitter contains Arduino, Zigbee, Fire and smoke sensors. Receiver contains Arduino, Zigbee and Siren. Smoke and fire sensor status always transmitted to receiver. At receiver side Arduino displays fire and smoke sensors status on LCD. If anyone sensor gets activated then Siren will be ON.


Microcontroller            :         Arduino Uno

Crystal                            :         16 MHz

LCD                                 :         16X2 LCD

Zigbee Module              :         HC12 – 433MHZ or 2.4Ghz

Relay                               :         12V DC

Siren                                :         12V DC

Smoke Sensor               :         MQ135

Fire Sensor                    :         IR Type

Power Source                :         12v 2 DC Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Fire security systems
  • Flammable protection applications
  • We have covered Zigbee (433Mhz or 2.4Ghz – HC12) module interfacing
  • MQ135 (Smoke sensor) and Fire sensors interfacing



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