Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_LORA_10

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno and esp32 microcontroller
2.Some times communication will be unstable and controller reboot for every 2 mins
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. Smart Electric Meter Using LoRA Protocols and lot applications

Smart Electric Meter Using LoRa Protocols And IOT Application



Design and Development of Smart Electric Meter Using LoRa protocols and IOT application.


Internet brings lot of things to our life. Like IOTs, Apps, Voice assistance, connected car features, cloud applications and many more. By adding electronic technology to internet gives lot of applications. It is nothing but Internet of things. Currently, we are paying power consumption bills through apps or manual. But we haven’t found much more smart electric meters that can provide bill without electricity department involvement. Here we proposed new project concept that can update electricity bill to cloud. GSM based smart electric meters available in the market, but need recharge of SIMS periodically. We want to develop electric meter using LoRa and it has LoRa module. Each energy meter has LoRa module and one LoRa Gateway can communicate with multiple LoRa transmitters (Electric Meters) and update information to IOT cloud. Project title is Smart electric meter using LoRa protocols and IOT application using Arduino and ESP32 nodemcu.


Electric meter consists of Arduino and LoRa(SX1278). LoRa module and Arduino connected each other through SPI communication. LoRa gate way consists of ESP32 nodemcu and LoRa module.


Based on power consumption of load, Energy meter (Electric Meter) generates pulses and these pulses read by Arduino. Each pulse considered as one unit for demonstration purpose. When one unit increased then two rupees amount fair will be added. This information will transmitted to LoRa receiver which is at gateway. This data will be handled by ESP32 nodemcu and uploading to IOT cloud server. Electricity department people and users can monitor billing information through this Cloud server.


Microcontrollers        :           Arduino Uno and ESP32 Nodemcu

Crystal                        :           16 MHz

LCD                            :           16X2 LCD

LoRa Module             :           SX1278

Energy Meter              :           Pulse based

Power Source              :           12VDC adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Power Measuring applications
  • Smart Power Meters with LoRa
  • Smart electric Meters with LoRa
  • We have covered LoRa module interface
  • Energy meter with load


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