Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_ESP32CAM_17

1.This project we have done on ESP32 cam and Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi controller
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. IoT-BBMS: Internet of Things-Based Baby Monitoring System for Smart Cradle
b. IoT based Smart Cradle for Baby Monitoring System

Smart Cradle And Baby Monitoring With Wireless Camera



Design and Development of Smart cradle and baby monitoring with wireless camera.


Number of working mothers increased day by day and spending time for babies is difficult task to mothers. So that most of the parents depends on workers or baby care centers. But babies didn’t get care from care centers as like their parents. To solve this issue we proposed a prototype project that will have cradle swinging automation and baby monitoring using wireless camera. This will helps to working mother to save their time. This smart cradle has sensor like temperature, humidity, crying detection and urine detection. The proposed project title is smart cradle and baby monitoring with wireless camera using Arduino and ESP32 cam.


ESP32 cam and IOT module (ESP8266) interfaced with Arduino two UART ports respectively. DHT11 sensor, Moisture sensor (Urine Detection), Sound Sensor (crying detection) interfaced with Arduino digital pins. MEMS sensor interfaced with Arduino analog pins. Relay Controls Fan and interfaced with Arduino digital output pin.


When Baby cries sound sensor detects and send signal to Arduino, Arduino sends signal to servo motor to swing cradle. DHT11 sensor detects temperature and humidity of near field of baby. Urine sensor placed at inner bottom of cradle tub and it will detect urine. Arduino makes buzzer ON when it detects urine. Also, Arduino sends sensors data to sever when baby cries and urinates. Top of cradle camera placed to monitor baby live video streaming.


Microcontroller            :         Arduino Uno

Crystal                          :         16 MHz

LCD                              :         16X2 LCD

Temperature Sensor     :         DHT11

Humidity Sensor          :         DHT11

Sound Sensor                :         MIC sensor

IOT Module                  :         ESP8266

Camera                         :         ESP32 Cam

Wet Detection Sensor   :       Moisture sensor

Baby Moment Sensor   :         MEMS Sensor

Fan                               :         12V DC Fan

DC Gear Motor             :         10 R.P.M

H-Bridge                       :         L293D

Buzzer                           :         5V DC

Power Source                :         12V 2 amp Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Wireless Smart cradle
  • Automatic Cradle System
  • Smart cradle with Wireless sensor network
  • We have covered Arduino, IOT (ESP8266) module and ESP32 CAM interface.
  • DHT11, MIC sensor (Sound sensor), wet detection sensor, MEMS sensor and DC gear motor interface.


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