Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_RFID_3

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi pico controller
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. A Step Towards Smart Ration Card System Using RFID & IoT

Rfid Based Advanced Smart And Secure Ration System



Design and development of RFID based advanced smart and secure ration system


Ration distribution is manual process and take lot of time to distribute. Single distributor will take lot of time. It is impossible to assign multiple distributors. Instead of manual intervention if we do with machines it will be fast also we can install multiple machines. Here solution like RFID based advanced smart and secure ration system.


RFID reader (EM-18) interfaced with Arduino through UART interface. Servo motor connected to Arduino digital pin.  Load cell connected to Arduino through HX711 driver.  4X4 Matrix keypad connected to Arduino digital pins.


In this project initially customer has to swipe RFID card (Ration card). If  ration card is valid then we have to enter quantity of ration (Here example rice). Based on ration quantity rice will be dispensed. This dispenser has mechanism in such a way that it allows desired quantity by opening and closing of cap through servo motor. All this information displayed on LCD. RFID ration card allows only one time. For second time access it will give buzzer sound.


Microcontroller           :           Arduino Uno

Crystal                           :           16 MHz

LCD                                :           16X2 LCD

Weight Sensor             :           Load Cell

Load cell driver           :           HX711

Keypad                          :           4X4 Matrix Keypad

Servo motor                 :           DC MG series or others

RFID reader                :            EM-18

Buzzer                          :           5V DC

Power Source             :            12v 2 amp Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Shopping malls
  • Smart Ration distribution
  • We have covered RFID (EM-18) module interfacing
  • 4X4 Matrix Keypad
  • Load cell along with HX711 driver
  • DC Servo motor


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