Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_FM_3

1.This project we have done on ESP32 cam and Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi controller
3.Maintain proper lighting in front of camera
4.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

5.This project IEEE reference titles

a. RFID and IOT for Attendance Monitoring System
b. Contactless Attendance cum Temperature Detection System with Real-time Alerts

Rfid And Face Mask Attendance With Temperature Monitoring System With Iot



Design and Development of RFID and face mask attendance with temperature monitoring system.


Artificial intelligence importance is increased day by day and used in every sector. Most advancements of artificial intelligence happen through machine learning algorithms through image processing. We can use these kinds of systems in attendance systems. Face mask detection can be done through camera and teachable machine algorithm. Proposing attendance system has two level accesses like face mask and RFID. Also this can read temperature of body without touching. The final title of project is RFID and Face mask attendance with temperature monitoring system.


ESP32 cam and Arduino are connected through UART port. MLX90614 (contactless temperature sensor) sensor connected to Arduino I2c port.  ESP8266 and RFID modules connected to Arduino two UART ports. Two LEDs interfaced to Arduino digital pins.


In this project ESP32 CAM can detect face mask status and send information to Arduino through serial. ESP32 CAM can access internet through WIFI SSID and password. It uses teachable machine algorithm implemented by Google. Arduino receives commands form ESP32 CAM and process according to firmware. After swiping RFID card Arduino sends face mask request commands to ESP32 CAM based response status command Arduino prints face mask status information on LCD. After face mask status Arduino reads temperature value. All this information upload to IOT server through ESP8266.



Microcontrollers             :         Esp32-Cam and Arduino uno

LCD                                   :         16×2 LCD display

Temperature Sensor      :         MLX90614

IOT Module                     :         ESP8266

RFID Module                  :         EM-18

LED                                   :         DC 1.8V

Buzzer                               :         DC 5V

Power Source                  :         12v 1 amp Adaptor


Arduino IDE


  • Smart Attendance systems
  • Face mask attendance system
  • Face mask and temperature scanning


  • We have covered Esp32-Cam and Arduino interface
  • Contactless I2c Temperature sensor (MLX90614)
  • RFID reader (EM-18) and IOT module (ESP8266) interface



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