Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_LORA_6

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno and esp32 microcontroller
2.Some times communication will be unstable and controller reboot for every 2 mins
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. A LoRa-Driven Home Security System for a Residential Community in a Retirement Township

LoRa Driven Home Security System For A Residential Community In A Retirement Township



Design and Development of A LoRa driven home security system for a residential community in a retirement township.


Modern technology can change our live by bringing more advancement. Irrespective of field, every devices and gadgets connected to each other and with internet. For residential and commercial premises, emergency alerts need for alerting owners. Means security is primary concern for everyone in everywhere. LoRa is an advanced technology that can support more distance and less power consumption. In our proposed system LoRa will play major role and it can communicate with internet. The proposed project title is LoRa driven home security system for a residential community in a retirement township.


There are two parts in this project. One is transmitter and other one is receiver. At transmitter side – Arduino connected with LoRa module (Sx1278) through SPI communication. Door sensor, Panic sensor, smoke sensor and fire sensor connected to Arduino digital pins. At receiver side – ESP32 Nodemcu and LoRa connected each other as like at transmitter side. On both the sides LCD connected to controllers digital pins.


Limit switch act as like door sensor and door open, close status detected through limit switch. Normal button for panic alert. Mq2 sensor can detect smoke in air. IR type fire sensor can detect fire presence surrounding of it. All these sensors data monitored by Arduino and Displaying on 16×2 LCD display. Also same data will transmit to receiver side LoRa module. ESP32 nodemcu receives sensors data through LoRa module and displaying on LCD display. At the same time data will upload to IOT cloud server. Home residents and owners can monitor data from remote areas. Receiver side LoRa section will act as like LoRa gateway.


Microcontrollers        :           Arduino Uno and ESP32 Nodemcu

Crystal                        :           16 MHz

LCD                            :           16X2 LCD

LoRa Module             :           SX1278

Smoke Sensor             :           MQ2

Door Sensor                :           Limit Switch

Panic Sensor               :           Button

Fire Sensor                  :           IR type

Power Source              :           12v 1 amp DC Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Security Systems
  • LoRa Gateway Applications
  • We have covered LoRa module interface
  • Sensors like Smoke, fire, panic and limit switch interface
  • Arduino and ESP32 nodemcu


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