Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_LORA_4

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno and esp32 microcontroller
2.Some times communication will be unstable and controller reboot for every 2 mins
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. Prototype weather station uses LoRa wireless connectivity infrastructure

LoRa Based Wireless Weather Station Monitoring System



Design and Development of LoRa based wireless weather station monitoring system.


Now day’s weather stations are widely used in all sectors like public, private and government. Knowing weather parameters like Temperature, humidity, rain, light luminous and atmospheric pressure is needed for weather station. Here we want to integrate weather station with LoRa and LoRa can transmit sensors data to receiver, from receiver it can upload data to cloud. This type of system is very useful for weather prediction applications. Here the project title is LoRa based wireless weather station monitoring system using Arduino and ESP32 nodemcu.


Weather station consists of Arduino uno and sensors like DHT11, LDR, Rain and BMP180/280. LoRa (SX1278) connected to Arduino SPI port. Arduino can read all sensors information and transmit to other side of LoRa (SX1278). At receiver side ESp32 (Nodemcu) interfaced with Lora (SX1278) along with LCD display.


Arduino reads all sensors data through corresponding protocols. DHT11 is one wire protocol and BMP180/280 is I2C protocol. LDR and Rain sensors interfaced with Arduino through digital pins. Arduino reads all sensors with fixed time interval (30 sec) and displaying on 16×2 LCD display. The same data will be transmitted to receiver through LoRa communication. At receiver side ESP32 receives data and upload to IOT cloud server. This cloud server is accessed from anywhere in the world. Also data will be stored in mysql Database and retrieved when we open account. Sensors data will be visible in table format default and it has option in graphical view.


Microcontrollers                       :           Arduino Uno and ESP32 (Nodemcu)

Crystal                                         :           16 MHz

LCD                                              :           16X2 LCD

LoRa Module                              :           SX1278

Temp Sensor                               :           DHT11

Humidity Sensor                        :           DHT11

Soil Moisture                               :           Resistive type

Rain Sensor                                 :           Resistive type

Light Sensor                                :           LDR sensor

Atmospheric Pressure Sensor :           BMP180/280

Power Source                              :           12v 1 amp DC Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Weather Station
  • Data Logger
  • LoRa and Sensors data collector
  • We have covered LoRa module interface
  • DHT11, LDR, Rain sensor and BMP180/280 sensors interface


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