Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_IOT_43

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi pico controller
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. Smart Helmet and Tracking System for Coal Miners Using IoT

Iot Based Smart Helmet For Coal Mining Tracking



Design and development of IOT based smart helmet for coal mining tracking.


Natural hazardous are very common in nature and we can’t avoid them. But coal mine accidents are made by man and can be prevented. Especially, coal mine workers sacrifices their life while doing their duty. By adding technology to coal miner’s helmet, we can provide tracking and security to mine workers. By adding few sensors like temperature, humidity and gas to miner helmet, we can track miners condition easily through IOT server. The proposed project title is IOT based smart helmet for coal mining tracking using Arduino.


WIFI module (ESP8266) connected to Arduino through UART port. Sensors like DHT11, LDR, and MQ series connected to Arduino digital and analog pins respectively. DC light connected to Arduino digital output pin through relay.


DHT11 sensor can detect temperature and humidity and it was arranged on top of helmet. Few gases released in underground coal mines, these gases detected by Mq series sensors like MQ4 for methane, Mq135 for air quality, MQ2 for carbon monoxide. LDR senses Light and Dark condition and enable Light when it detects dark. Arduino displays all this information on lcd display and sends information to IOT server. Monitoring people can track coal mine workers condition based on sensor values.



Microcontroller          :           Arduino Uno

Crystal                        :           16 MHz

LCD                            :           16×4 LCD display

IOT module                :           ESP8266

Temperature Sensor    :           DHT11

Humidity Sensor         :           DHT11

Methane Sensor          :           MQ4

Air Quality Sensor      :           MQ135

Carbon Monoxide       :           MQ2

Light Sensor               :           LDR

Relay                           :           12v DC Electromagnetic

Light                           :           5v DC

Buzzer                         :           5vDC

Power Source              :           12v 1 amp DC battery


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram


  • IOT coal mine helmet
  • Coal miner tracking
  • IOT based intelligent helmet


  • We have covered Arduino programming
  • IOT Module (ESP8266) interface with Arduino and PC
  • Light interface through relay
  • DHT11, LDR and MQ series gas sensors


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