Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_LORA_15

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno and esp32 microcontroller
2.Some times communication will be unstable and controller reboot for every 2 mins
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. Lora Based Intelligent Home Automation System

Home Automation Using LoRa And Arduino



Design and Development of Home Automation Using LoRa and Arduino.


Now a day’s everyone uses home automation systems. They are in different technologies like GSM (message based), RF remotes, IR remotes and WIFI also. Every technology has its own limitations and advantages.  LoRa is a wireless technology that can consume less power and can communicate long distance. There are several manufactures in LoRa technology mainly Semtech and microchip. Here we want to use SX1278 module which can support desired distances. We can control home appliances like fan, light from remote location. It can support LoRa WAN also. Proposed system name is “home automation using LoRa and Arduino”.


LoRa module connected to Arduino through SPI protocol. There are two sections transmitter and receiver. At transmitter side LoRa transmitter and two buttons connected to Arduino respective pins. At receiver side LoRa receiver and two relays connected to Arduino. Fan and light controlled by two relays.


At transmitter side two push buttons act as inputs. When we press any button of arduino then it generate ON/OFF code and send to LoRa receiver. Based on these commands receiver side Arduino Operates corresponding loads (fan and light). Also this information will be displayed on 16×2 LCD display.


Microcontroller          :           Arduino Uno

Crystal                        :           16 MHz

LCD                            :           16X2 LCD

LoRa Module              :           SX1278

Relay                           :           12V DC

Fan                              :           12V DC

Light                           :           230V AC

Power Source              :           12v 1 amp DC Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Home Automation
  • Home Application Control
  • Industrial Load Control
  • We have covered LoRa module interface
  • Relay and load controls


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