Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_GPS_5

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi pico controller
3.Don’t use Volte sims, use only GSM sims
4.GPS projects always keep it in open environment, gps module and its antenna always faced to sky to get accurate values
5.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

6.This project IEEE reference titles

a. GPS and GSM enabled Smart Blind Stick

GSM GPS Based Smart Blind Stick



Design and Development of GSM GPS based smart blind stick.


Normal blind sticks help blind people while walking. But they are not smart enough to guide all the way. Smart blind sticks can help in so many ways like location tracking and obstacle finding with voice feedback. Here we propose system like GSM GPS based smart blind stick.


This project includes GSM (Sim800C) module, which is connected to Arduino through UART. GPS module connected to Arduino through UART interface. IR sensors connected to Arduino digital pins. Ultrasonic Sensor connected to Arduino digital pins. Voice playback module connected to Arduino digital pins.


In this project IR sensors placed at bottom of blind stick to detect small objects. Ultrasonic sensor placed at middle of blind stick to detect obstacles. There is emergency button placed at top of blind stick to intimate about emergency. In emergency condition SMS will come to registered mobile number. Voice will play when any sensor gets activated. All this information will display on 16X2 LCD. SMS contains Google maps location. Using GPS location we can track easily.


Microcontroller           :          Arduino Uno

Crystal                         :          16 MHz

LCD                              :         16X2 LCD

GSM                           :           SIM800C

GPS                               :         NEO-6M

Button                           :         2 pin leaded type

Small objects sensors    :         IR sensors

Obstacle Sensors           :         Ultrasonic (HCSR04)

Voice play back Module :       APR33A3

Power Source              :          12v 2 amp Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Smart Blind sticks
  • We have covered GSM (SIM800C) module interfacing
  • GPS (NEO-6M) module interfacing
  • APR33A3 voice playback, Button, IR sensors and Ultrasonic interfacing


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