Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_ESP32CAM_10

1.This project we have done on ESP32 cam and Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi controller
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. Home Security Alarm Using Wemos D1 And HC-SR501 Sensor Based Telegram Notification

Intruder Home Security Alert To Telegram



Design and Development of Intruder Home Security alert to telegram.


Security applications are widely used in every sector like homes, industries, banks and museums. Especially in night times it is very difficult to provide securities to any kind of premises. Everyone having smart phones with internet today. This system can access telegram app. Electronic securities plays major role here to replace human resources. Our system can detect intruder with sensor and send that image to telegram. This project title is intruder home security alert to telegram using ESP32-CAM.


In this project ESP32-CAM connected with PIR sensor. PIR sensor can detect intruders and send signal to ESP32-CAM module. ESP32-CAM can access internet through WIFI or hotspot connectivity. We can stream live video of ESP32-CAM through IP address. Also it can send captured image to telegram app via internet connectivity. We see intruder image in telegram app and it will be global in every time. Means it can be access from anywhere in the globe where telegram app works. Also by sending request command to ESP32-CAM from telegram app we will get instant capture image.


Microcontroller                 :       Esp32-Cam

Intruder Sensor                 :       PIR sensor

Power Source                     :      12v 2 amp Adaptor


Arduino IDE

  • Intruder and Security Alerts
  • Telegram access applications
  • We have covered Esp32-Cam
  • PIR sensor interface


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