Design and development of Wireless charging system for electrical vehicles on road.
Electrical vehicles play major in environmental protection. Zero emission vehicles generate no co2. In future electrical vehicles replace IC engines. Charging is difficult task for electrical vehicles unlike IC engines. Charging echo system is also developing simultaneously, but it is not enough for electrical vehicles because each vehicle has to stop at least two hours at charging point. To avoid this problem we proposed wireless charging system throughout the road. Electrical vehicle will charge automatically while passing on road. Proposed project title is wireless charging system for electrical vehicles on road using Arduino.
There are two parts in this project. Few series wireless power transmitter coils arranged beneath the road with some distance. These coils transmit power in the form of electromagnetic waves. Electrical vehicle has receiver coil and it converts electromagnetic waves to current. Arduino reads receiver power through analog pin and shows voltage.
A wireless power transmitter has MOSFET and generates high frequency to the copper coil. This frequency generates EMF. Each electrical vehicle have copper coil which is arranged bottom of vehicle. When vehicle comes near to coil, it receives power and amplified by booster. This booster voltage charges battery. Arduino shows voltage and current values of battery charging on 16×2 LCD display.
Microcontroller : Arduino Uno
Crystal : 16 MHz
LCD : 16×2 LCD display
Copper coil : 25 gauge
Voltage Sensor : Resistor based voltage divider
Current Sensor : ACS712
Battery : 12V DC
Power Source : 12V 1 amp DC battery, transformer
Arduino IDE
Proteus based circuit diagram
- Wireless power transfer applications
- Electrical vehicle charge system
- Smart charging roads
- We have covered Arduino Coding
- Wireless power transfer module design
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