Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_PICO_4

1.This project we have done on raspberry pi pico controller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and Arduino uno microcontroller
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. A Raspberry-Pi Based Embedded System to Monitor Air and Sound Pollution Using IoT
b. A raspberry Pi controlled cloud based air and sound pollution monitoring system with temperature and humidity sensing

Raspberry Pi Pico Based Air And Sound Pollution Using Gsm



Design and Development of Raspberry pi PICO based Air and Sound Pollution using GSM.


Air pollution causes health problem and environmental changes. Because of industries and carbon emission from vehicles causes more air pollution. To take proper actions from government there is no monitoring systems available right now. Based on monitoring data in all areas, we can take actions like no industries zone and changing fuel based vehicles to electric vehicles. But to do this kind of steps we need pollution data. Because we can restrict industries and fuel vehicles in all areas. Based on areas where more pollution we can develop green zones.  Here we want to design and develop Raspberry pi Pico based sir and sound pollution using GSM.


GSM module (SIM800C) interfaced with raspberry pi Pico through UART port. DHT11 sensor, mq135 and sound sensors are connected to digital pin of pi Pico. Two LEDs connected to Pi Pico digital pins.


DHT11 sensor can sense temperature, humidity and send to Pi pico. It works on one wire protocol. MQ135 sensor can read pollution of air and send to Pi pico analog pin. Based on analog value it converts into numerical values. Sound sensor converts sound signals into electrical signals. These electrical signals read by pico.  All this information will be displaying on 16×2 LCD display. Also when any value exceeds more than desired value then SMS will go to registered mobile number. Also Pico send SMS of all sensors data for every two minutes time interval. There are two leds red and green. If all sensors show normal values then green LED will be ON. If any sensor gets abnormal value then red LED will be ON.

  • Microcontroller          :           Raspberry pi pico
  • LCD                            :           16X2 LCD
  • GSM module              :           SIM800C
  • Temp Sensor               :           DHT11
  • Humidity Sensor        :           DHT11
  • Pollution sensor          :           MQ135
  • Sound sensor              :           Mic
  • LEDs                           :           Red and Green LED
  • Power Source              :           12v 1 amp DC Adaptor
  • Arduino IDE
  • Proteus based circuit diagram
  • Pollution monitoring applications
  • Sensors data logger
  • We have covered raspberry pi pico programming
  • Sensors like DHT11, mq135 and sound sensors


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