Btech projects||Iot projects||AI ML projects


Important Notes

Project Code : PF_PICO_12

1.This project we have done on raspberry pi pico controller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and Arduino uno microcontroller
3.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

4.This project IEEE reference titles

a. Bluetooth and GSM based Smart Security System using Raspberry Pi

Password Based Security Using Raspberry Pi Pico And GSM Alert



Design and Development of Password based security using Raspberry Pi pico and GSM alert.


Security systems are widely used for so many applications. Keypad type password based security systems are inexpensive and user friendly to use. But alerts and notification kind of features need to add then it becomes more smart and secure. We can send alerts through GSM SMS when anyone access system with keypad. To do this we are using raspberry pi pico as microcontroller and GSM modem for message sending. The proposed project title is password based security using raspberry pi and GSM module.


GSM modem (SIM800C) interfaced with raspberry pi pico through serial port. With 9600 baud rate both will communicate together.  GSM modem works based on AT commands and AT commands protocol implemented in pi pico with the help of firmware. Keypad connected with pi pico digital pins.


DC gear motor is like load. Here we are accessing motor with password. There are two passwords, one is for ON and another one is for OFF the load. User has to enter password through keypad. If password is correct then motor will be ON and OFF based on password between two. If password is incorrect then buzzer will ON. SMS will send if password correct or incorrect. 16×2 LCD display will helps us to see all operational data.

  • Microcontrollers        :           Raspberry PI pico
  • LCD                            :           16X2 LCD
  • GSM Module              :           SIM800C
  • Keypad Module          :           3 pin button type
  • Relay                           :           12V DC Electromagnetic
  • Motor                          :           DC gear motor
  • Buzzer                         :           DC5V
  • Power Source              :           12VDC adaptor
  • Arduino IDE
  • Proteus based circuit diagram
  • Password based security alert systems
  • Locker safety applications
  • We have covered Raspberry pi pico firmware
  • Fingerprint and RFID module interface


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