

Important Notes

1.This project we have done on Arduino uno microcontroller
2.Same project possible on ESP32 and raspberry pi pico
3.Gsm modem not support volte sims
4.Along with project we will provide

a. original code
b. circuit diagram
c. Documentation data

5.This project IEEE reference titles

a. smart dustbin with gsm and arduino module

Gsm Based Smart Dustbin



Design and Development of GSM based smart dustbin.


Waste management is important task in indoor and outdoor. There is some dedicated staff available for outside waste management like municipality staff. But for indoor waste management is individual responsible and everyone should take care of that.  Here smart dustbins are helpful to manage and operate dustbins in smart way. We can use these kinds of dustbins in crowded areas. Also we will get dustbin filling status through SMS, so that collection of dustbin after filling is easy. Here project title is GSM based smart dustbin using Arduino.


Arduino is main core on this project and it can process all required functions. GSM module connected to Arduino UART port which can send and receive SMS. L293D controls DC gear motor and L293D connected to Arduino digital pins. Two IR sensors connected to Arduino digital pins.


Here DC motor attached to dustbin cap which can be closed and opened. One IR sensor placed at cap of dustbin which can detect bin filling status. When this sensor activated, then SMS will be send to mobile number as “Dustbin filled”. Second IR sensor placed at bottom of dust bin.  When this sensor activated then Cap will be open with the help of DC gear motor and we can drop waste material into dustbin.


Microcontroller           :         Arduino Uno

Crystal                           :         16 MHz

LCD                                :         16X2 LCD

GSM Module                :         SIM800C

IR Sensor                      :         5v DC

H-Bridge                       :         L293D

DC gear Motor             :         DC 3.5 R.P.M

Power Source               :         12v 2 amp Adaptor


Arduino IDE

Proteus based circuit diagram

  • Dustbin automation
  • Smart dustbin
  • Wireless Dustbin





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