Design and development of Automated Alcohol and Accident Detection vehicle using GSM GPS
Now a days everything becomes smart and secure in their respective fields. One of the smart things in vehicle is alcohol detection and accident detection. Regular vehicles can start and run based on key system, but there is no alcohol and accident detection system available inside vehicles. We have to provide alcohol detection along with accident detection in vehicle. So that here we propose system like automated alcohol and accident detection vehicle using GSM GPS.
This project includes GSM (Sim800C) module, which is connected to Arduino through UART. GPS module connected to Arduino through UART interface. Alcohol sensor (MQ3) connected to Arduino digital pin. Limit switch (accident detecting sensor) connected to Arduino digital pin. Here assume DC motor as vehicle engine. DC motor controlled by relay. Buzzer interfaced to Arduino digital pin.
Initially vehicle starts by ignition key. After ignition key activates Arduino checks alcohol sensor and accident sensor (limit sensor). If anyone sensor activates then motor (Engine) will be OFF. If alcohol sensor, accident sensor not activated and ignition key ON then motor (Engine) will be ON. Sensors data will be displayed on LCD. SMS will be sending when any sensor activated. While sending SMS Arduino sends GPS values to track vehicle position. Buzzer will be ON when any sensor gets activated. When Vehicle is in running mode we can get location by sending request SMS to modem.
- Microcontroller : Arduino Uno
- Crystal : 16 MHz
- LCD : 16X2 LCD
- GSM : SIM800C
- GPS : NEO-6M
- Alcohol Sensor : MQ3
- Accident Sensor : Limit Sensor
- Relay : 12V DC Electromagnetic
- Motor : DC motor 5V
- Power Source : 12v 2 amp Adaptor
- Arduino IDE
- Proteus based circuit diagram
- Vehicles
- Transportation
- Travels Management
- Public transport
- We have covered GSM (SIM800C) module interfacing
- GPS (NEO-6M) module interfacing
- Sensors like MQ3 and Limit Sensor interfacings
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